The British Council project "21 Century Schools" is regional programme designed to support schools in the Western Balkans countries to develop capacity and offer their students skills essential to positively contribute to a 21st century culture and economy.
Through the programme, each of the 10 selected schools received 30 Micro:bit- pocket-sized codeable computer with motion detection, a built-in compass and Bluetooth technology. Computers are specifically designed to give students entry level skills and confidence in computer literacy and coding. |
BBC micro:bit has had amongst Macedonian students and teachers.
Learning together: I & VI grade learn about numbers and letters with micro:bits
Students from the first grade learn about numbers and letters with micro:bit. Students from sixth grade have made several apps by writing their own computer programs for their younger frends.
Teacher: Irina Ivanova
From presentation of the project |
Programming ClubProgramming Club is designed for students with an interest in computer science. Programming club is for all ages. Every student is welcome to join. Оur last program is for automatic irrigation
How to Calculate PercentagesPercentages are an important part of our everyday lives. Students from sixth grade are solving their assignments and check the results with micro:bit. Code was made from the 14 student.